Effects of once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide on kidney function and safety in patients with type 2 diabetes: a post-hoc analysis of the SUSTAIN 1–7 randomised controlled trials

The study examined the effects of semaglutide on kidney function and safety in a large, broad type 2 diabetes population. eGFR and UACR were also anal...

Efficacy and safety of setmelanotide, an MC4R agonist, in individuals with severe obesity due to LEPR or POMC deficiency: single-arm, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trials

Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) receptor plays a part in body weight regulation. Severe early-onset obesity can be caused by biallelic variants in gene...

2-year remission of type 2 diabetes and pancreas morphology: a post-hoc analysis of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial

The pancreas is small and irregular in shape in people with type 2 diabetes. remission of the disease should restore normal pancreas morphology. This...

Testosterone treatment to prevent or revert type 2 diabetes in men enrolled in a lifestyle programme (T4DM): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-year, phase 3b trial

Testosterone treatment for 2 years reduced the proportion of participants with type 2 diabetes beyond the effects of a lifestyle programme. The treatm...

Maternal and fetal outcomes in phaeochromocytoma and pregnancy: a multicentre retrospective cohort study and systematic review of literature

Phaeochromocytoma or paraganglioma in pregnant women can lead to severe complications and death. Unrecognized and untreated PPGL was associated with a...