Acid Reflux | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease | Symptoms & Treatments | Dr. Nagarjuna Yarlagadda
A digestive disease in which stomach acid or bile bothers the food pipelining. This is a chronic disease that takes place when stomach acid or bile mo...

Essential Skills For Every Doctor | Dr Abdul Khaliq
Why someone is successful when compared to others in clinical practice in spite of knowledge and surgical skills? Is it always hard work, luck, or loc...

Importance Of Phrasing Messages | Dr Abdul Khaliq
Impatience while waiting their turn for consultation is often felt and sometimes expressed by the patients. Messages can be said in different ways. Pr...

How To Reduce Medication Administration Errors | Dr Abdul Khaliq
Wrong administration of medications either in dose or to patient or even the medication happens. It is one of the preventable iatrogenic causes of med...

DocMorris viral video during Christmas …What doctors can learn?
This viral video of DocMorris which was viewed more than 1.5 crores has generated significant business in Germany. Doc Morris is a Dutch based mail o...

Automated graphic assessment of respiratory activity is superior to pulse oximetry and visual assessment for the detection of early respiratory depression during therapeutic upper endoscopy
Recommendations from the American Society of Anesthesiologists suggest that monitoring for apnea using the detection of exhaled carbon dioxide is a us...

Magnifying endoscopy combined with narrow band imaging system for early gastric cancer: correlation of vascular pattern with histopathology (including video)
Narrow band imaging (NBI) system is used to capture clear images of microvessels on mucosal surfaces. This study measured the correlation between the...

Capnography monitoring of non-anesthesiologist provided sedation during percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement: A prospective, controlled, randomized trial
A number of studies were able to show a reduction of hypoxemia episodes during procedural sedation through the use of capnography (CA) The study compa...