What is Chemical Peeling | Dr. K S Ram | Cosmetic Surgeon In Secunderabad
Chemical Peel is an approach used to improve and smooth the surface of the skin. Facial skin is largely treated, and scarring can be enriched. Chemica...

What is Microneedling | Dr. K S Ram | Cosmetic Surgeon in Secunderabad
Microneedling is a cosmetic method. It includes piercing the skin with small sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more beauty...

Does Coffee Cause Dry Skin | Dr. K S Ram - Cosmetic Dermatologist In Secunderabad
Drinking coffee is not wrong as long as it is consumed to a certain extent. Strong coffee can affect your skin and can even lead to dehydration or eve...

Why Is My Skin So Dry When I Moisturize & Drink Water | Dr K S Ram
Dry skin is a severe condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. It can happen for a various range of reasons The exterior layer of your sk...