Cervical Spondylosis in Hindi | Dr. Syed Khaja Imran Ali | Orthopedic Surgeon
Cervical spondylosis is general, an age-associated condition that affects the joints and discs in your cervical spine, in the neck region. Also named...

What is Brain Tumor | Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti | Neuro Spine Surgeon in Hyderabad
The growth of abnormal cells in your brain is called a brain tumor. Tumors may begin in the brain, or elsewhere in the body end up spreading to the br...

What Is A Brain Stroke | Best Treatment For Brain Stroke In Secunderabad
Damage to the brain from stopping its blood supply. A stroke is a medical emergency. Symptoms of brain stroke include trouble in walking, speaking, or...

TB (tuberculous) Treatment | Dr. Sulthan Salauddin
Tuberculous is a major infectious disease named Mycobacterium tuberculous, that mostly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis spreads...

Keyhole Spine Surgery | Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti
Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti educates about Keyhole Spine Surgery Keyhole Spine Surgery is completed through a small tube with customized designed instrum...

Long-term follow-up from the ORATORIO trial of ocrelizumab for primary progressive multiple sclerosis: a post-hoc analysis from the ongoing open-label extension of the randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
Time to onset of disability progression was confirmed with four measures and time to requiring a wheelchair was also analyzed. At the study end, the p...

Latent Class Analysis of Individual-Level Characteristics Predictive of Intervention Outcomes in Urban Male Adolescents
New techniques are needed to identify what types of interventions work best for whom to prevent behavioral problems. The current investigation applies...

Neurological disease in adults with Zika and chikungunya virus infection in Northeast Brazil: a prospective observational study
Since 2015, arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) have spread across the Americas causing outbreaks. These outbreaks have been accompanied by increase...