Randomised controlled trial of mesalazine in IBS

Low-grade intestinal inflammation plays a role in the pathophysiology of IBS. We conducted a phase 3, multicentre, tertiary setting, randomized, doubl...

Efficacy and safety of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy immediately after endoscopic submucosal dissection

330 patients who underwent ESD for early gastric neoplasms were enrolled in the study. The primary endpoint was gastric ulcer scarring rate determined...

Clinical Parameters Correlate With Endoscopic Activity of Ulcerative Colitis: A Systematic Review

The study finds a correlation between clinical activity, a combination of rectal bleeding and stool frequency, and endoscopic activity in patients wit...

Antibiotic Therapy of 3 Days May Be Sufficient After Biliary Drainage for Acute Cholangitis: A Systematic Review

Guideline recommendations vary between 4 and 14 days after biliary drainage. Short-course therapy of 3 days is sufficient in cholangitis patients with...

Methotrexate Is Not Superior to Placebo in Maintaining Steroid-Free Response or Remission in Ulcerative Colitis

Parenteral methotrexate was not superior to placebo in preventing relapses of UC in patients who achieved steroid-free response during induction thera...

EUS-guided fiducial placement for GI malignancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Study: EUS allows the delivery of radiation with high precision to a target lesion while minimizing toxicity to surrounding tissues.

Validity of randomized clinical trials in gastroenterology from 1964-2000

Review of all 383 randomized clinical trials published in GASTROENTEROLOGY as original articles from 1964 to 2000. The reported methodological quality...

Peroral endoscopic myotomy as salvation technique post-Heller: International experience

Heller myotomy (HM) has an excellent efficacy rate but a number of patients remain symptomatic post-procedure. We present an international, multicente...