Prevention Of Kidney Diseases | World Kidney Day | Dr. Santhosh

Types of controls to prevent Kidney Diseases such as regular check-ups, controlling Blood Pressure, management of Blood Sugar, taking a Healthy Diet,...

How To Diagnose Diabetes | Prevention Of Diabetes | Dr. Sangeetha

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes usually appear a sudden and this is the reason for checking blood sugar levels. Diabetes is diagnosed and prevented by che...

What Are Endocrine Disorders | Dr. S Sangeetha Santosh

Endocrine disorders are medical conditions where the endocrine system produces hormones that do not function correctly. Endocrine disorders cause a...

How To Reduce Medication Administration Errors | Dr Abdul Khaliq

Wrong administration of medications either in dose or to patient or even the medication happens. It is one of the preventable iatrogenic causes of med...

Current Prescription Opioid Misuse and Suicide Risk Behaviors Among High School Students

POM is associated with increases in the risk for suicide-related behaviors and experiences of youth. Students who reported current PO had the highest...

Maintenance Treatment With Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics for People With Nonaffective Psychoses: A Network Meta-Analysis

The study compared relapse prevention and acceptability of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in the maintenance treatment of adults with non...

Health Services Use by Children in the Welfare System Who Died by Suicide

Suicide decedents with a history of child welfare system involvement could be targeted for prevention strategies. The study included youth aged 5 to 2...