Push enteroscopy for obscure gastrointestinal bleeding yields a high incidence of proximal lesions within reach of a standard endoscope

Researchers looked at 95 patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. A suspected source of bleeding was found in 39 of 95 patients. 64% of the suspected bleeding sources were within reach of a standard endoscope

Helicobacter pylori "test and treat" or endoscopy for managing dyspepsia: an individual patient data meta-analysis

Helicobacter pylori "test and treat" has been recommended for the management of young dyspeptic patients without alarm symptoms. None of these trials have had a sufficient sample size to confirm that "test & treat" costs less or to detect small differences in effect.

Is routine sedation or topical pharyngeal anesthesia beneficial during upper endoscopy?

The benefits of routinely administered sedative medication or topical pharyngeal anesthesia are controversial. The aim of this study was to clarify their effects on patient tolerance and the difficulty of upper endoscopy.

Randomised clinical study: comparison of acceptability, patient tolerance, cardiac stress and endoscopic views in transnasal and transoral endoscopy under local anaesthetic

Transnasal endoscopy (TNE) with ultrathin endoscopes has been advocated as an attractive alternative to SOGD. The aim was to assess tolerability, acceptability, and quality of TNE, in comparison with a standard upper endoscope.

A randomised clinical trial of transnasal endoscopy versus fluoroscopy for the placement of nasojejunal feeding tubes in patients with severe acute pancreatitis

100 patients with severe acute pancreatitis were randomized to receive NJTs by transnasal endoscopy or fluoroscopy. The successful placement was confirmed by an abdominal radiograph.

The safety and sensitivity of a telemetric capsule to monitor gastrointestinal hydrogen production in vivo in healthy subjects: a pilot trial comparison to concurrent breath analysis

Intestinal gases are currently used for the diagnosis of disorders including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and carbohydrate malabsorption. The capsule measured >3000 times higher concentrations of hydrogen compared to breathe tests, resulting in a signal-to-noise ratio of 23.4 for the capsule compared to 4.2 for the breath test.

Recombinant vaccines for COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, has imposed a major public health threat. Several potential candidate vaccines being rapidly developed are in clinical evaluation. Safety is a major aspect to be considered before deploying such vaccines to the public.

The demand for a COVID-19 vaccine in Ecuador

Ecuador was one of the first and most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey results show that a very large proportion of individuals were willing to accept a vaccine, and at least 85% of individuals would pay a positive amount. Regression results show that WTP for the vaccine was associated with income, employment status, the perceived probability of needing hospitalization if contracting the virus causing COVID-19, and region of residence.