Low effect-site concentration of propofol target-controlled infusion reduces the risk of hypotension during endoscopy in a Taiwanese population

The ideal effect-site concentration (Ce) of propofol has not yet been defined in an Asian population. This study aimed to determine the ideal Ce of Propofol in painless gastrointestinal endoscopy in a Taiwanese population.

Limited impact on endoscopy demand from a primary care based 'test and treat' dyspepsia management strategy: the results of a randomised controlled trial

Helicobacter pylori testing has been suggested as an alternative to endoscopy for young patients with dyspepsia. Study in Gloucestershire found a significant reduction in referrals for endoscope in the intervention group compared to the control group

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Current Status and Prospects for Drug and Vaccine Development

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread to almost all nooks and corners of the world. Medications are being developed to target the spike, membrane, nucleocapsid or envelope proteins. The spike protein is also a critical target for vaccine development. Even though mRNA and DNA vaccines are being designed and moved into clinical trials, these types of vaccines are yet to be approved by regulatory bodies for human use. This review focuses on the drugs and vaccines being developed agains

Understanding COVID-19 vaccine demand and hesitancy: A nationwide online survey in China

Study attempts to understand coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine demand and hesitancy. The majority reported a probably yes intent (54.6%) followed by a definite yes intention (28.7%).The findings demonstrate the utility of HBM constructs in understanding COVID-19 vaccination intent and WTP. It is important to improve health promotion and reduce the barriers to COVID 19 vaccination.

A global survey of potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine

Several coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are currently in human trials. 71.5% of participants reported that they would be very or somewhat likely to take a vaccine, and 48.1% reported accepting their employer's recommendation. Differences in acceptance rates ranged from almost 90% (in China) to less than 55%. Respondents reporting higher levels of trust in information from government sources were more likely to accept a vaccine.

Coronavirus vaccine development: from SARS and MERS to COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of coronavirus that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It has been the most challenging pandemic in this century. An effective vaccine is urgently needed to control this pandemic. Key takeaways from previous vaccination studies of SARS and MERS-CoVs. Finally, based on these prior vaccination experiences, we discuss recent progress and potential challenges of COVID-19 vaccine development.

Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine - United States, December 14-23, 2020

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has reported 4,393 (0.2%) adverse events in the Cases of anaphylaxis were determined to be rare but still under investigation. The median interval from vaccine receipt to symptom onset was 13 minutes.

COVID-19 vaccine research and development: ethical issues

The achievements of vaccine research and development bring a hope to our societies that we may cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. There are two aspects that should be maintained in balance: the immediate necessity for vaccine research, and the need for protection of research subjects.